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Saturday, April 7, 2012

How to pick your tablet

As an avid user of all things gadget-y, I have a particular fondness to go to a store and try out all the new toys that arrive at our shores. Every now and then, I get this urge to binge and buy the first gadget I touch. Thank God, or I would be penniless! Albeit I could get my money back from the resale - but that's not quite the point of buying them in the first place, is it?

Anyway, until last month I would constantly visit electronic stores in the city randomly and check out the range of deals and options that tablets had for me. Believe me when I say this - being strong willed was VERY important!! 

What really amazed me were the options available in this class of Consumer Tech! The specifications varied from a Simple single-core processor to a dual-core processor; screen sizes ranging from 7 inches to 10 inches, colour depth and resolution ranging from VGA quality to HD! The operating system options also were pretty amazing within a single class of device - Windows, various versions of Android, RIMs OS for the playbook and the world famous iOS.

So now the question really is: How do you pick the tablet of choice? 

It really is quite simple! Let me just put this into perspective with the way I picked up my Blackberry Playbook:

1. Budget: I had a budget of about AED 1000 - AED 1500. Not too many good options in this price range but thankfully (at the time of buying my tablet) the Playbook 64GB was under offer available at AED 1250. (So that was 1-0 in favor of the playbook)

2. Screen Size: I was not fussy - I needed something larger than my mobile screen and something that was not cumbersome. When I tried out the various 10 inchers I found that the device needed extra long thumbs to use or just one hand. The 7inch screen on the other hand made thumb typing (even in landscape mode) pretty easy. Not to mention that it was not that heavy to lug around and was still bigger than my 3 inch mobile screen. (That is score 2 for the playbook)

3. Processing power: I needed a machine that could manage multiple applications running in the background and still not lag or fail when I am using the device. The only devices powerful enough for this were Apple iPad, and a few Android powered Tabs - Samsung, Moto and even Asus. The playbook featured a Dual Core TI OMAP chipset with 1 GB of RAM dedicated to running applications. That was enough for me. The GPU is no slouch either, making gaming smooth and fun :) - Score 3 for Playbook!

4. Browsing: I needed a full function browser. Now iOS was not a pick here since - let's face it - no flash. Android could have worked but then the devices did not fit into my criteria number 1 - the playbook was perfect with a full function browser with HTML5 and Adobe flash support - I could now play Farmville (if I wanted to, that is) on facebook. My group editor, when I was in PC World showed me that he could! :) Score 4

5. Application support: Now this is a big bone for contention - you buy a table so you have productivity on the move. Which means you need applications running on them. Finding the right application for your use is very tricky but very important. Now iOS and Android have been around for a VERY long time and they both have applications that range from official applications to fan made applications that have been designed to fulfill whatever you need. I went through all the applications stores everywhere. Windows failed right at the outset with not enough applications to do even the basic stuff. Apple had apps but you need a credit card and a little bit of courage to spend from that credit card. Android had the applications too but then getting the right one to actually work on an OS that has bugs in them from the word go - refer to my previous post about why I hate Android - and well that put me off completely. Blackberry, on the other hand, suprised me with application support for all the major things that I needed: Word Processing (this is a business tablet - it came inbuilt); Wordpress (for blogging); camera with editing - and this I must say is pretty nifty for basic stuff - nothing fancy but excellent photo quality and videos too; and even a few applications that were pretty useful like an FTP client and cloud storage access. I was sold - that was score 5 for the Playbook!

6. Connectivity: This is something that you need - it is a tablet and you need to be online! Wi-fi and Bluetooth is standard - 3G is optional. Can you survive with only Wi Fi then you have nothing to fear. With a 3G connection you will constantly worry about usage. How did the Playbook fair? It uses my Blackberry's bridge application to read my emails and even surf the web when I am on the move. I have a virtually unlimited connection on my Blackberry and this was very reassuring that I would not need a separate bill for my tablet. When I am at home or at a friends place, I use Wi Fi and I am sorted. The playbook won me over completely! Score 6 :) if you have an iPhone with a connection, then buy an iPad with only a wifi connection - that should be MORE than sufficient since the new iOS on the iPhone has a wifi broadcast feature to share your connection (called tethering) - all the other problems can be overcome.

This is the way I was able to shortlist the Playbook for myself. But this guide should be able to tell you what you really need to focus on before buying a tablet - after it is more than just good looks, right?

Posted via email from partha's posterous

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Myers-Briggs Personality Test (R) - What is it?


The Myers-Briggs® Type Indicator (MBTI) has been around for more than sixty years. It is a tried and true indicator of your personality type. That is not to say that the MBTI will explain every single aspect of your personality, but it will certainly explain a lot about who you are.


One of the main principles behind the MBTI is that you are born a certain type. Therefore, the more you are put in situations that allow you to be who you are, the better you will feel and the more productive you will be. MBTI is about how you feel most energized, how you perceive information, how you make decisions, and how you deal with the outside world. It is about preferences, preferences you are born with.


It's All About Preferences

Let us give you an example that will clarify what is meant by preferences: Write your name with the hand that you normally use to write with. You will notice that it comes easily to you. Now try to write your name with the other hand. You will notice that although you can do it, you cannot do it as well. It also feels uncomfortable to you. That is exactly how it is with your personality preferences; you are more comfortable and more productive in situations where you can be who you naturally are.


That is not to say that you cannot learn to act in a different manner; you can and you need to. As you develop and become more aware of yourself, you also become aware of areas that you need to work on and improve upon. The MBTI will tell you what these areas are; by telling you what your blind spots are, it tells you what you need to work on so that you may lead a more fulfilling and productive life.


The Results

Your MBTI personality type will be composed of four letters. The combination of these letters will tell you quite a bit about your personality. What is important to know at this point is that you will be told whether you are an Extrovert or Introvert, whether you are Judging or Perceiving, and what your dominant, helping, tertiary and inferior functions are, ranging from your strongest (dominant) to your weakest (inferior), in that order.


Simply put, Extroversion (E) and Introversion (I) refer to where you feel most energized. Judging (J) and Perceiving (P) refer to how you prefer to lead your life. As to functions, these refer to how you prefer to take in information, where you either prefer to use Sensing (S) or Intuition (N). Functions also refer to how you prefer to make decisions, where you either prefer to use Thinking (T) or Feeling (F).


Posted via email from partha's posterous

E S T P - This is what my MBTI is

Logical Responder: Act & Adapt

"It's easier to beg forgiveness than to ask permission"


You are an Extrovert with Sensing as your strongest dominant function and Thinking as your second strongest "helping" function. This means that your greatest strength is your ability to take in information by focusing on the facts and the specifics of a situation. You are practical, realistic and detail-oriented, noticing and remembering factual information. You are resourceful and focused on something you can apply now.

Your second greatest strength (helping function) is your ability to make decisions based on logical analysis. You are able to act quickly and make things happen. You are realistic and prefer to take the most efficient route. You typically find a way through difficult situations.

Careers and ideal work environment

ESTPs are likely to do well in occupations that allow them to use their action-oriented focus to attend to the necessary details. Those include, but are not limited to, Marketing; Skilled Trades such as Construction and Maintenance Engineering; Business; Law Enforcement; Applied Technology such as Hardware Engineering and Website Design; Athletic Training; Interpreting; and Pharmacology.

ESTPs like to work with people and value trial and error in determining what works. They can be good team-members as long as the tasks are clearly defined and each member pays attention to what is logical. They enjoy hands-on experience; manage others loosely and prefer minimal supervision themselves.

As an ESTP your ideal work environment is one containing lively, action-oriented people focused on the immediate situation. You like to work in an environment that provides flexibility in doing the job, and rewards a quick response to problems.

General areas for development

As an Extrovert, you may appear demanding, blunt, and insensitive when you take charge during times of crisis. If so, you are strongly encouraged to take the time to explain to others why you have taken a particular course of action. You may also get too caught up in off-work activities such as sports and other hobbies.

Your blind spots include your Feeling and your Intuition; those are referred to as your tertiary and inferior functions, respectively. Because you base your decisions on logic, as opposed to people and values, you are likely to neglect interpersonal niceties and the impact of your behavior on those around you. Furthermore, in taking in the information around you, you may be so focused on the specifics of a situation that you may ignore the larger picture. For example, you may be so focused on the day-to-day realities of a situation that you may ignore the long-term implications.

Being a P, you are likely to overlook important information in your desire for the quick fix. You are likely to value openness and autonomy to such an extent that it creates an environment that is too lacking in structure, direction, and necessary follow-through. You may need to keep work and play in the proper perspective.

Being aware of your blind spots is vital. It sheds light on the areas that you need to develop. For example, it is important that you remind yourself to take long-term implications into consideration. It is also important that you plan for things and put in the effort necessary to achieve desired results. Finally, it is important that you include more interpersonal niceties and express appreciation of others.

Knowing your own, and other people's, type is very helpful. It allows you to appreciate differences instead of being frustrated by them. In knowing what your strengths are, you are able to capitalize on them. In knowing what your blind spots are, you can take steps to compensate for them. One way you can take steps to compensate for your blind spots is to seek the assistance of someone who does not share your type.

Extroverts tend to act first and think later. This is an advantage in cases that need an immediate response. However, it can also be a disadvantage in cases that require some time to think before acting. As a rule, in order to avoid taking hasty action, you are encouraged to take two steps back before responding or making a decision. If you find yourself unable to do so, you are encouraged to seek the assistance of an Introvert who will surely give you invaluable input. Make sure, however, that you allow the Introvert the time he or she needs to reflect.

Sensing people are more comfortable dealing with practical matters. They pay a great deal of attention to detail and love to put their experience to practical use. They are very much about the "here and now". This is an advantage in cases that require a practical response that is appropriate to the day-to-day realities and demands of a situation. However, it can be a disadvantage in cases that require a more long-term, more creative view of the situation. As a rule, you are encouraged to consciously include the long-term in your view of things and to push yourself to be more creative. If you find yourself unable to do so, you are encouraged to seek the assistance of an Intuitive person who will surely provide you with a different way of seeing things. He or she is sure to give you the long-term view as well as more creative, if less practical, ideas.

Thinking people are more comfortable making decisions based on a logical analysis of the facts. They love to come up with solutions that meet the logical demands of a situation. They will see flaws and take action to correct them. This is an advantage in cases that require an impersonal logical response. However, it can be a disadvantage in cases that require a more personal response that takes other people's feelings into account. As a rule, you are encouraged to push yourself to take more personal and subjective matters into account when making your decisions. If you find yourself unable to do so, you are encouraged to seek the assistance of a Feeling person who will surely provide you with the personal input that you need.

Perceiving people are more comfortable dealing with things as they arise. They love to spend their time gathering information without necessarily making decisions. They lead an open, flexible life, and are able to come up with spontaneous solutions. This is an advantage in cases that require an open exploration of the facts. It is also an advantage in times of crisis where a calm and adaptive response is needed. It can, however, be a disadvantage in cases that require planning, organization, and methodical implementation. As a rule, you are encouraged to push yourself to plan, to set goals, and to work to achieve them. If you find yourself unable to do so, you are encouraged to seek the assistance of a Judging person who will surely provide you with the planning and structuring that you need.

Communication strengths and areas for development

When you express yourself, you are straightforward and matter-of-fact. You are active, engaging, and challenging. While initially impersonal, you can be charming, easygoing, tolerant, and casual. You are not likely to enjoy sitting around discussing matters for long periods, and you like to hear practical to-the-point information. You like to hear information that is logical, direct, and objective. You like to hear communication that is engaging and fun. You like to hear clear specific information that lacks ambiguity. You like to question information for its immediate application. You do not like to hear communication that is too verbose, abstract, or future-oriented. In times of crisis, you like to act very quickly and do not want to slow down to explain your actions.

In your focus on the task at hand, you are likely to neglect the needs and the situations of the people involved. If so, you are strongly encouraged to make a conscious effort to develop rapport and connect with others. In your focus on spotting flaws, you may tend to give more corrective than positive feedback; make a conscious effort to create a balance between the two, particularly with F types. Make an effort to use accepted and standardized procedures to accomplish tasks. Before skipping steps or modifying procedures, check to ensure that you are not missing something important. As a rule, you need to include more order and interpersonal niceties in your communication.

Posted via email from partha's posterous

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